Schools Project Agreement

We are pleased to welcome you and your school to the Carers Bucks Schools Project and look forward to developing our partnership further. We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete this form for our records. All fields in this form are required to be filled in.

    School’s name

    Name of Young Carers School Champion


    Contact email address

    Name of Deputy Young Carers School Champion


    Contact email address

    When a young carer first registers with Carers Bucks, we seek permission on whether we are able to share relevant information with the school they attend and will do this in line with GDPR requirements. To achieve a successful collaboration in supporting young carers there will be times when sensitive information needs to be shared between our organisations. Please complete the following section:
    * The term ‘we’ refers to your school as an entire organisation.

    To ensure a holistic approach for young carers we will refer into Carers Bucks services with the permission of their parents/guardians

    Where appropriate we agree to seek permission from parents/guardians that a young carer can join our young carers school group

    We will seek permission from parents/guardians to share relevant information with Carers Bucks about registered carers

    We agree to securely store sensitive information about young carers