Carer Forum Follow-Up Survey

We are now at the stage of planning our next steps and getting you all together on a more regular basis so that you can help us at Carers Bucks and Buckinghamshire Council shape the support and services for carers going forward.

We are proposing to meet on a quarterly basis but would like to know which format would work best for you to attend, appreciating that our county is geographically very spread out. Please could you fill out the short survey below by 5pm on Wednesday 2nd October 2024.

We will be looking to schedule our first meeting the week commencing 28th October 2024, but we will let you know the time, date and location as soon as we have collated the results from this survey. The theme for this meeting will be emergency planning as this was very clearly a priority for carers across the whole of the county.

Thank you again for all your support and we will look forward to seeing you soon.

    Which format works best for you? (required)

    Please state locations you would travel to. (required)

    If you would like to access online sessions, please let us know if you would need support to do this. (required)

    We will also be looking for representatives to share the wider views of carers to the Carers Partnership Board. Would you be interested in supporting with this?:

    If you require support in accessing the meetings, please tell us your name, phone number and email address.