Team Member Spotlight:
Lynette Emary
We spoke with Lynette, the Adult Carers Service Manager for Carers Bucks and our sister charity Carers MK, about what it’s been like to join our team and why she loves working with carers.

We spoke with Lynette, the Adult Carers Service Manager for Carers Bucks and our sister charity Carers MK, about what it’s been like to join our team and why she loves working with carers.

Name: Lynette Emary
Role: Adult Carers Service Manager
How did you come to be a part of the team?
I joined Carers Bucks and Carers MK earlier this year having worked for another carer organisation for 10 years.
Are you in or have you ever had a caring role?
Yes for my 21 year old dancing and singing superstar who has autism.
How would you describe what it’s like to work here?
Change is never easy especially as a new person coming in with new ideas and a new personality in the mix. I have been very fortunate to have been welcomed with both arms by teams of people who want to work alongside me.
What do you love about your job role?
I love working with carers – they inspire me every day with their determination and commitment to keep carrying on despite whatever they are going through or battle they are fighting.
Share a highlight or something you are proud of in your role?
Seeing the teams have belief in themselves and recognising the wonderful work they do every day.
What one word would you use to describe the organisation and why?
Transformational. It feels like we are in a new phase as an organisation. Watch this space to see how our service and support evolves.
What’s a valuable lesson you’ve learned in your career?
The best support will always come from peer support.
How do you work to improve your work-life balance?
Routine is key for all of us. Fit all these into your day even if it’s just for a small amount of time; exercise, drink plenty of water, sleep and be grateful for all the good things in your life even when at times it may be hard to find anything.
Anything else you would like to share with us?
We can only be an amazing organisation if our carers give us feedback. We are constantly evolving and changing as the needs of carers in our communities change. I want to hear from you, please tell me good and bad about our current service delivery. Only then can we deliver services that are truly carer led and what you want and need.

Are you caring for someone?
Do you look after someone who cannot manage without you because they are ill, frail or have a disability?
If so, you are a carer and Carers Bucks can help you.