Secondary School Drop-ins

How Drop-ins Work:

  • A designated support worker will be allocated to your school. Your ‘Young Carers Champion’ will be provided with their contact details.
  • Each drop-in session will last a maximum of two hours. Within this two hour period, a maximum of six young carers will be seen. If there is a higher demand, your allocated support worker can discuss further options.
  •  A support worker will need a private space in your school to carry out sessions.
  • Each young carer will have up to a 15-minute session.
  • Drop-in’s will run once every half term.
  • The young carer attending drop-in’s has to be registered with us. If they are not registered, a referral form will have to be completed.
  • ‘Young Carers Champions’ and Carers Bucks support workers will work together to identify young carers that will benefit from a drop-in session.
  • Once young carers are identified, a date and time will be arranged for the drop-in. ‘Young Carers Champions’ will notify the young carer of their time slot.
  • If it is identified that a young carer needs additional support, the ‘Young Carers Champion’ will be notified.

Criteria and
make a referral

How to identify a
young carer

Carers Bucks
Schools Project

Frequently asked