Hospital Work

Carers Bucks works in partnership with Buckinghamshire Healthcare to support unpaid carers in hospitals. We cover four hospital sites, providing you and those you care for with information, advice and emotional support.

The Team

  • Ruth Marriott is the Hospital Team Leader covering Stoke Mandeville Hospital.
  • Fernanda Mainwaring supports carers and patients in Wexham Park Hospital.
  • Ruth and Fernanda cover Wycombe Hospital and Amersham Hospital between them.

We know that supporting someone, both in hospital and out, can sometimes be overwhelming. A hospital admission can be a turning point, the beginning of a care journey. Or it can lead to an increase in the amount of care someone needs, either in the short or long term. And if you are new to caring, you may not even see yourself as a carer or know that help is available.

How we are currently working

With the help of NHS staff, we seek to identify new and existing carers at this critical point when you are in hospital supporting your loved one.

We are working both on-site and remotely, liaising closely with NHS staff and social care teams. We can advise you on current hospital visiting protocols and infection and control measures, and help you understand the hospital process and discharge planning as it unfolds. We offer telephone information, advice and emotional support, signposting to a wide variety of practical support, also advising on the full range of carer issues.

Even after the hospital discharge, once you are registered with us, Carers Bucks will continue to support you through each phase of your caring role, however long it may last.

Contact us

For further information, advice and emotional support, contact us via 0300 777 2722 (Monday – Friday) or you can fill in our online contact form.

Alternatively, you can contact our Hospital Team Leader Ruth Marriott on 07496 724637 (Monday –Thursday).

I feel we benefit from their presence tremendously. It is a unique service offering support and advice to the relatives and carers of our patients. So often the families of our patients can be overlooked whilst all focus is on the patient… but Carers Bucks recognise that having a loved one in hospital can be a difficult and unsettling time, and are there to offer practical information and guidance. The Carers Bucks Hospital Coordinator is very friendly and approachable… and is able to offer valuable time and attention, and a quiet place for families away from the hustle and bustle of the ward.
Ward 9 Sister at Stoke Mandeville Hospital

Are you caring for someone?

Do you look after someone who cannot manage without you because they are ill, frail or have a disability? 

If so, you are a carer and Carers Bucks can help you.