Young Adult Carers General and Activities Consent Form

Carers Bucks aims to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for every young person. To help us do this, please note the following important information:

  • All questions on the consent form must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian (if under 18) or by the young person themselves (18 and over) before any young person takes part in any activities with Carers Bucks.
  • The safe arrival and return journey of young people under 18 who are unaccompanied remains the responsibility of their parent/guardian.
  • We cannot take responsibility for any damaged clothing and/or personal items during the activity.
  • Parents/guardians should ensure that the young person is equipped appropriately for the activity (including any medication)  
  • The young person will demonstrate appropriate behaviour and follow any safety rules so that Carers Bucks can keep everyone safe.
  • I understand that if any of the details within this form change, it is my responsibility to inform Carers Bucks.

All of the details filled out in this section should be about the young adult carer.


    First name (required)

    Last name (required)

    Age (required)

    Date of birth (required)

    Main address (required)

    Postcode (required)


    Carers Bucks requires two separate people as emergency contacts who we can contact in the event of an emergency. Please provide details below:

    First Emergency Contact’s name (required)

    First Emergency Contact’s phone number (required)

    First Emergency Contact’s relationship to young adult carer (required)

    Second Emergency Contact’s name (required)

    Second Emergency Contact’s phone number (required)

    Second Emergency Contact’s relationship to young adult carer (required)


    Please state any ongoing medical conditions or allergies

    Please state any dietary requirements

    Young Person/Parent/Guardian Consent (required)
    I agree for my young adult carer to take part in the activities with with Carers BucksI agree to Carers Bucks keeping a record of this form for health and safety reasons.I agree for my young adult carer to being filmed being filmed or photographed during the activity, with the possibility that these photographs/media recordings may be used for publications or marketing publicity.I will encourage my young adult carer to talk to Carers Bucks if they are not comfortable at any time during the activity.

    Signed by – name of parent/guardian if young person is under 18 (required)

    Signed by – young adult carer (required)

    Today’s date (required)