Hospital Work Updates

The Carers Bucks hospital team cover four hospital sites, supporting carers and their loved ones with information and advice relating to the hospital setting:

  • Ruth Marriott is the Hospital Team Leader covering Stoke Mandeville Hospital

  • Jane Hansford covers Wycombe General Hospital and Amersham Hospital

  • Fernanda Mainwaring supports carers and patients in Wexham Park Hospital

How we are currently working

The team are currently working from home, and continue to liaise closely with our NHS colleagues, Discharge teams, hospital social care teams and Discharge to Assess organisations. We are able to advise carers on the latest protocols for visitors, carers and patients in the hospitals and help carers to understand the discharge process during this pandemic when things are changing rapidly.

Collaborating with our NHS and social care colleagues, we identify and support carers while they or their loved ones are in hospital, and throughout the discharge process. We offer telephone information, advice and emotional support to families, signposting to a wide variety of practical and volunteer support, also advising on the full range of carer issues. Even after the hospital discharge, once a carer is registered, Carers Bucks continue to support carers through each phase of their caring role, however long it may last.

Contact Us

For further information, advice and emotional support, contact us via 0300 777 2722 or our online contact form.

Alternatively, you can contact our Hospital Team Leader Ruth Marriott on 07496 724637 (Mon-Thurs).

Find out about other service updates…

Adult Carers
Young Carers & Young Adult Carers
Caring for Older Carers

Are you caring for someone?

Do you look after someone who cannot manage without you because they are ill, frail or have a disability? 

If so, you are a carer and Carers Bucks can help you.