Financial Support
Grants are usually in the form of financial support and do not need to be paid back. They are distributed by organisations, such as charities or the government, and often have eligibility criteria attached. As a young adult carer, there could be grants awarded to support you with various aspects of your life e.g. furniture, travel, accessing clubs etc.
Carers Trust
As a network partner of Carers Trust, a support worker can help you apply for a grant for items or activities that will support you in your caring role. This grant can cover:
- Breaks for carers.
- Items for your home/repairs.
- Transport costs relating to your caring role.
- Time-limited replacement care.
- Courses for personal develop or developing your caring skills.
Please note, submitting an application does not mean that you will receive a grant.
A free resource that you are able to use, to find grants that you or the person you care for are eligible for. Please note some grant applications need to be made by a professional you are working with. For more information, see Turn2Us.
Foodbanks are a good resource for those that are struggling with food/meals. If this is the case for you, you can contact a local foodbank directly or speak to us and we can put you in touch via a referral. Find your local foodbank.
Social Housing
With Buckinghamshire Council, you are able to join the housing register at the age of 16 and ‘bid’ on properties from the age of 18. It is worth joining as soon as possible as this is a lengthy process. It is important to note that this does not guarantee that you will get a property.
There are a lot of myths surrounding social housing. It is worth speaking to a housing professional to get the facts.
Private Renting
This is a good option for those that are on a low income – you can look at a room for rent in a shared house. This is where rooms are ‘let’ out individually, so you will be living with other people you do not know. This option can allow you to gain independence quickly. It is important to know that you will need a deposit and to pay a certain amount of rent in advance – depending on the proprietor. Under certain circumstances, as a carer you may be able to access charitable funds that can support you with this.
If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness, call 01296 585168 or email
Useful links
- Padstones - Connections Support
- HIT - Connections Support
- Home Group
- Buckinghamshire Council Housing Allocations Scheme
- Apply for hostel or supported accommodation - Buckinghamshire Council
- Buckinghamshire Housing Support Service
- Local charities and groups helping with essentials - Buckinghamshire Council
- High Wycombe Central Aid Society
- British Heart Foundation's High Wycombe Furniture & Electrical Store
Carers Bucks is not responsible for content on any external websites.