Working and Caring

With the current economic climate, finding a job is difficult and if you have a caring role, this can be a further obstacle.

However, as a carer you already have a skill set which fits into many job descriptions advertised, meaning, with perseverance, you can find a job that is right for you and your caring role.

Extra support

  • Letting your employer know that you have caring responsibilities can allow them to support you better with managing your job role and your caring role e.g. time off for appointments. This information should be confidential, between you and the employer.
  • Linking in with our support workers can allow them to signpost you to CV writing and interview support organisations like Bucks Adult Learning. Further to this, we also work with organisations who specifically look to provide work experience/jobs for young adult carers – for further information please get in touch.

Looking for a job

Those that are aged 18+ and are actively job seeking are able to apply for Universal Credit. By making an agreement with an allocated job coach and evidencing your job searches, you may receive a monthly standard allowance. If you care for more than 35 hours per week, you can be given additional money per month. For further information, see Universal Credit –

Useful links

Carers Bucks is not responsible for content on any external websites.

More Useful Information for Young Adult Carers…